Head of Marketing and Senior Marketing Specialist from Dubai
Working in a high-stress environment is challenging for even the highest performers.
But it’s made even more challenging when coupled with low self-esteem and very little self-belief.
On top of that, perfectionist tendencies and a rocky romantic relationship were taking its toll.
Feeling insecure, and like she couldn’t rely on herself was impacting her self-image.
She felt she wasn’t enough, financially, physically and personally, which left her constantly trying to prove herself to others.
Trying to tackle deep-rooted scarcity issues and recovering from a turbulent upbringing was proving difficult.
All this pressure was seeping into her everyday life causing her to overthink, trip over her words, worry, lose sleep and withdraw from those she cared about the most.
Beating herself up wasn’t getting her anywhere and she felt stuck and didn’t recognise herself in the mirror anymore.
It was clear that Damira had 10 very specific goals:
1. Feel truly happy from inside out.
2. Improve her self-image, look in the mirror and be happy with the way she looks, not be hard on herself.
3. Feel confident, without the constant need for external validation.
4. Balance personal life, work, me-time, self-development.
5. Be able to set clear goals and be able to achieve/complete anything big/small.
6. Improve her relationship with her husband, family and friends.
7. Be able to forgive the past.
8. Create an abundant mindset and improve her relationship with money.
9. To speak publicly, in meetings without blackouts.
10. Let go of chronic neck and pain
Signing up for 12 months of coaching was a big commitment for Damira, especially considering her time availability and mindset around finances at the time.
When she weighed up the cost of living her life with the hardship she was experiencing, she knew it was worth it. Plus, she’d been referred to by a friend and had witnessed the amazing results she’d got too.
Damira took to coaching like a duck to water. She was all in. Here are some of her comments throughout her experience:
“Today’s release session was incredible. I feel it helped me to realize that it is ok to be alone - something that I feared so badly for my whole life and even made some decisions or did based on that fear.”
“ The only person in the entire world I treat so badly is myself. I wouldn’t dare to treat anyone this way, so why do I do that? Why do I think I deserve that? I DON’T”
“I've been criticizing myself based on somebody else's ideas / standards. It’s time to set my own standards”
“I can’t believe how much my neck pain has lessened since using the breath release”
“I didn’t realize how easy it becomes when you sort your to-do list using the productivity matrix. This helped so much to clear my head."
“I was being kind to myself and I didn’t even notice myself beating myself up!”
“I realise the only person I’m fighting with is myself, I’m learning to honour myself.”
“I loved discovering my needs and where I’m at. It is shocking that only 1 of my needs is being fulfilled at this moment.”
“I’ve started to fulfil my own needs without relying on others, plus the transitional release technique has stopped me overreacting on my husband”
“I have never realized how much my withholding affects my life and the way I feel today. This is so true that "a piece of me died every time I felt I couldn't tell my truth."
Here’s how Damira scored herself on her goals:
1. Feel truly happy from inside out (Before 4/10 – After 10/10)
2. Improve self-image, look in the mirror and be happy with the way she look, not being hard on herself. (Before 1/10 – After 7.5/10)
3. Feel confident, without the constant need for external validation. (Before 2/10 – After 8/10)
4. Balance personal life, work, me time, self-development. (Before 1/10 – After 6/10)
5. Be able to set clear goals and be able to achieve/complete anything big/small. (Before 1/10 – After 7/10)
6. Improve her relationship with her husband, family and friends (Before 1/10 – After 8/10)
7. Be able to forgive the past (Before 1/10 – After 8/10)
8. Create an abundant mindset and improve relationship with money (Before 1/10 – After 8/10)
9. To speak publicly (in meetings/zoom calls) without blackouts. (Before 1/10 – After 10/10)
10. Let go of chronic neck and pain (Before 4/10 – After 9/10)
“I’ve actually realised and accepted that I’m perfect as I am.”
Global Causes Damira Supports:
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