#1 Muddle through and try and
figure it out alone
Sorry to break it to you but, this is only going to get you so far.
When you’re so stressed and wanting to put your fist through a wall or scream into a pillow, do you really think a quick tip from the latest self-help book is going to fix that?
The reality is, you’re putting a band-aid over a bullet hole.
Or how about when you’re having a stress induced headache and you pop some painkillers?
Your headache fades…
But once the painkillers wear off and you’re in a stressful situation again — it comes right back.
What about the days where you come home from a stressful day at work and you plonk yourself onto the sofa…Pour yourself a glass of wine…
And distract yourself from your hectic reality.
You’re almost able to convince yourself that you’re feeling relaxed and your life is in order.
But the reality is, under the surface your body and mind is getting even more stressed —because you’re burying it instead of dealing with it.
But it’s ok because tomorrow will be different, right?
You’ll think more positively…
You won’t let things affect you so much…
Or you’ll start that morning routine you’ve been promising yourself…
Maybe you’ll even start meditating…
But when the alarm goes off, those good intentions get lost in the tiredness you feel because of the wine you drank and the late night you had.
As you lay there thinking about the stress of the day ahead... the meetings… the to-do list… the fake smile you have to put on for everyone around you…
You just want to roll over and go back to sleep.
But you can’t because others rely on you.
So you summon yourself to crack on with the day…
And the loop continues…
But let’s say you do finally kickstart your day with a new morning routine…
Finish your self-development book on how to be less stressed…
Perhaps even attend a motivational seminar to get your spark back
Or start exercising again to let off some steam…
How long does it ever last?
Before you know it, you’ve let your new habits slide and your back under a mountain of stress again, aren’t you?