Primary School Teacher from UK, Residing in Dubai.
Feeling incredibly lonely is a universal problem that everyone faces at some point in life.
Unfortunately, moving to a new country on her own, and then being hit with pandemic lockdowns meant Alex was forced to encounter this struggle more than most.
She felt unsettled, unsure of her decisions and unclear about her future. Confidence and self-worth took a hit, which affected the way she saw friendships and opportunities in her life.
Deep down she knew she was seeking validation and reassurance from others, which triggered anxiety and overwhelm.
Emotionally, she knew there was more to life which made it hard to relax and amplified worry. This led to constant headaches and migraines.
Fortunately, having so much time to herself in lockdown, allowed Alex to reflect on her life and the changes she’d like to make so she could live it fully.
Alex courageously decided to take ownership of her situation and create the life she wanted. Her goals were to:
1. Consistently feel settled and content, regardless of where and who with.
2. Build confidence and reassurance in decision making
3. Know what she wanted and gain clarity on her purpose
4. Appreciate the present moment
5. Feel happy without feeling guilty of others
6. Stop people pleasing and improve self-worth
7. Build resilience and confidence in my own abilities
8. To be able to move on from stressful situations easily
9. Be socially confident
10. To not rely on others to make me happy
11. Have a clear mind
12. Know what to do when overwhelmed, stressed, anxious and worried
13. Understand how my brain works and thinks, and know how to change it
14. Reduce/ Stop migraines and constant headaches
That may seem like a lot, but it’s natural for high-performing achievers to want nothing but the best and Alex proved this is possible.
There was a little apprehension at first as this was the first time Alex opened up about herself with such depth, but she embraced every opportunity to lean into her transformation.
Here are a few of her comments throughout her coaching journey:
“I really enjoyed learning about the subconscious mind. Things make more sense as to why/how we do things and given me hope that they can change. I felt normal after today’s session, knowing I’m not the only person who feels like this.”
“I realised I didn’t really know what my values, beliefs and emotions were or where they came from – eye-opening”.
“Very interesting! Today I realised why I am how I am”.
“I realised it was not validation and reassurance I needed from others, it was the security and familiarity. I can see now, how and why I seek this from my past experiences and upbringing.”
“Key takeaway from today's session – I can't fill my cup with other people's problems and then try to deal with my own as well. Care about myself as much as I care about other people. I deserve this.”
“I’ve learned not to take everybody's emotions upon myself and put my energy into something more useful to help them, and me.”
“I’ve started to accept the world for what it is and knowing there is nothing I can do to change a lot of things. I can stop stressing about what I can’t control, and focus on what I can.”
“I realised that I am actually the kind of person I would like to be - which sounds silly, but I feel I am sometimes striving towards a person with values that I feel are important - but I already have and do them.”
Alex has shifted her outlook so much that she’s now leading by example to the children she teaches, parents and colleagues alike. She’s in charge of positive education at her school and practices what she preaches.
Life isn’t perfect, and that’s never the goal. The goal is to constantly move in a healthy direction.
Alex has a deeper understanding of her brain, mind, body and heart and she’s living in alignment with what she knows she wants.
She’s comfortable spending time alone (she even enjoys it – without loneliness creeping in!).
Her relationships and friendships have improved and she’s confident in her ability to make herself happy.
Alex is a role model and a wonderful example of someone authentically elevating her life for the better – for herself and those she leads.
“I realised I'm the kind of person I want to be.”
Global Causes Alex Supports:
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You can overcome them too.